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Reading Newspaper

The Mission

Working together for a common goal.

Think of 147 Music Group of Companies as an organization (or club). We like to think of it as the #147Life movement. We are a collaboration of Companies, Promoters, Artist, and Supporters, all coming together for one common goal.  The club has branches in different cities across the US known as chapters. While we are all apart of 147 Music Group of Labels we still very much push our own companies, labels, and affiliations too.


So why 147
Well 147 is known as the the Angels Number. 147 is a number made up of the vibrations and energies.  In ancient numerology;

Number 1 brings its qualities of creation, creativity, ambition, motivation and progress, insight and inspiration, new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfillment and attainment. Number 1 tells us that we create our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. 

Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, establishing solid foundations, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels. 

Number 7 vibrates with the mystical influences of spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, inner-knowing and understanding others, dignity and refinement, endurance and persistence of purpose, good fortune and our musical divine life purpose and soul mission.




There are different ranks within the club and Chapters of 147 Music Group of Companies, and with those ranks comes different responsibilities.  Within the club it starts with Principal Officers also known as Chief Executive Officers. (CEO) 


Principal Officers (CEO)

The Principal Officers duties are to manage all parties involved within the Music Group of Labels.  Maintaining the network and ensuring all artist work together for the common goal.  CEO's will nominate an executing comitee;  an acting President, Vice-President, General, Major, and Secretary Treasure.  These officers make up the executing committee.  CEO's may also nominate a Road Captain they shall serve on the Executive Committee as a non voting member, except while serving as an alternate.



Any Active Member may run for Committee.  Nominations are not required to run for any Executing Committee position.  Any Active Member may become a candidate by simply stating their intention to do so at our yearly meeting. A member may not run for more than one office at a time. 



Elections of Executing Committee Officers shall be held at our Annual meeting.  In order to allow for an orderly transition of administrations, the newly elected slate shall assume office 1 month after the Annual Meeting.  All principal officers shall be elected by a plurality vote.  A member may not hold more than one office at a time.


Term of Office

Principal Officers is a lifetime duty and can only be voted out by a unanimous vote by the other 4 Principal Officers, even then the Officer that was voted out must be given a 30 day probationary period to prove they can handle their duties again and then a re-vote after 30 days. Even after the Officer is voted out they still maintain ownership of 147 Music Group of Labels and must be receive a payout in accordance of State Law. Executing Officers are elected or re-elected yearly.


Special Election

In the event that the current elected officer is no longer able to perform their duties,  a special election for that position shall be held to fill that position at the next monthly meeting.



A writ of impeachment against any officer may be submitted by any active member at a regular meeting.  This writ must be signed by at least three Active Members of the chapter and must list the charges as the basis for the writ.  All Active Members in the chapter must be informed of the writ prior to any impeachment vote.  In order to allow the officer in question an opportunity to prepare a statement concerning the charges against them, a special shall be scheduled for action on the writ no less than three, no more than seven , days following the submission of the writ.  Prospects are prohibited from attending this meeting, unless required to give testimony to support the writ or to support the officer in question as a witness.   Impeachment requires a 2/3 majority vote of all Active Members in the chapter.  Any disciplinary action besides the impeachment will be decided upon by the remaining officers within 7 days of the impeachment vote.


Duties and Authority



The President is the CHAIRMAN of the Executing Committee.  They are responsible to insure that the orders of the Principal Officers are carried out in an expedition manner. All matters concerning relations between the club and any chapter, any persons in or out of the organization should be routed to the President following chain of command for appropriate action.  The President will then forward all information to The Principal Officers. The President or his delegate shall assume the Chair at all chapter meetings except when Principal Officers are present.  He is responsible for controlling the meeting and keeping order.  If necessary, the Chair may utilize the services of the Captain to aid in keeping order.  The President will more than likely be the most popular artist within the club. Setting an example with leadership, work-ethics, integrity, honesty, passion, loyalty and vision for the clubs future.



The Vice-President shall coordinate all committees and supervise plans for all club events.  The Vice-President shall act as an intermediary between the President and the Members and Prospects.  All questions or comments concerning any club business not specifically related to the duties of the other officers should be brought to directly to his attention.  Additionally, the Vice- President is the Second-in-Command to the President, and shall assume all responsibilities and duties of the President in their absence.



The Secretary is responsible for making and keeping all club chapter records. Membership List, Chapter Bylaws, Rules of Order, Standing Rules, Records of all committee appointments, all written reports, copies of all correspondence between the club and any outside person or organization, Meeting Minutes.  He is responsible for calling roll at the meetings.  The Secretary must notify Active Members of special or emergency meetings, and must notify all the members of any appointments or elections in their absence.


The Treasurer keeps all the funds of the club chapter.  All un-issued Club Colors and Patches, as well as a record of colors, patches, or reproductions therof issued to members.  He may disburse funds to pay expenses as prescribed in the Standing Rules.  The Treasurer must keep an accurate record of all income and expenses.  He is required to report the fiscal status of the club at each regular meeting for the information of the members.  He must submit a written annual report to the Executive Committee at the Annual Meeting.



A Chapter is started for the sole purpose of networking in cities other than their own. Bringing out-of-state artist in to perform, network, and colab while at the same time taking your chapter out-of-state to expand each others fan base.  Every chapter within the club will obey the same laws but may implement their own guidelines. Each member of that chapter brings their own unique skill set to their chapter. For example one chapter may have 5 members; a DJ, 2 emcees, a producer, and a videographer, each playing a vital role in the success of their own chapter. 

Each chapter must have at least one acting Captain, Lieutenant, and Sargent.  A chapter cannot be established without those positions filled.  Chapters may also hold Secretary and Treasurer positions.  The President must give their approval before a chapter is started.  Every member in every chapter is expected to support, like, share, everything related to the club and other chapters.  Every member is expected to show love and support other active members. If a member is having a show in your area you are expected to show up and support. Each Chapter is will be given the blueprint for success however its up to each chapter to create their own greatness.



Captains are leaders in the chapter. They are responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the club are not violated.  They are responsible to insure that the orders of the Executing Committee are carried out in an expeditious manner.  They are responsible for policing and keeping order at all club events, except as noted under the Duties of the Chairman.  He may conscript members to aid in keeping order on their own authority.  They are responsible for recruiting new members and keeping order from any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled.  The Chapters as a whole are responsible for the safety and security of any event related to the club, as well as the protection and defense of its members and prospects.  The Captain shall keep and maintain a record of all data, dues paid, and monetary gains from it’s members and prospects. 



The Lieutenant is responsible for all chapter runs.  Captains right hand, He shall research, plan, and organize all runs with captains approval.  During actual time on the road or at intermediate stops during a run, he shall act as the ranking club officer, deferring only to the President or Vice-President if either of them are present, and only then for matters involving persons outside the club.  He shall supply the Secretary with any information required of impending club event, monetary gains, and or monies allocated in a timely manner. Lieutenants have vote in all club business.



Sergeants show their loyalty, motivation, and commitment by promoting and advertising everything #147Life. Sergeants are typically newer artist, emcees, producers, videographers who are looking to expand their fan base. Sergeants must show self awareness, class, and selflessness in order to move up the ranks.  Sergeants are not required to attend monthly meeting and do not have a vote in Chapter business. 


Associates & Prospects

A Chapter is a brotherhood, a group of music artist coming together for one common goal, so be apart of this brotherhood you must first pay your one time fee. This fee makes you a sergeant, buys you a #147Life Pendant, and gives you access to the network of artist across the US. Just make sure you are available for all chapter events. You can get involved by liking, sharing anything #147Life, chapter, club and 147 Music Group of Labels related affiliates.  All prospects are expected to do as they are told or instructed, that's a given.  If an artist is having a show near you, show up, or a brother is broke down at 2 am, just be there. The more you want it the easier it is to become a member. Remember all artist are being watched and it will be noticed, always remember as a prospect you have no rank or privileges, and upon introducing yourself to any ranking member.

The Mission: About
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